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How to Clean a Messy Room in Five Easy-to-Follow Steps

Posted on 24/07/2024

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Cleaning a messy room can be an overwhelming and daunting task. There is often so much clutter and disorganization that it can seem like an insurmountable challenge. However, with the right approach and orderly steps, any room can be tidied up quickly and efficiently. In this article, we will discuss how to clean a messy room in five easy-to-follow steps.

Step One: Clear the Clutter
The first step in cleaning a messy room is to clear all of the clutter. This includes anything on the floor, piles of clothes, stacks of paper, or whatever else may be taking up space. Put all of these items into a box or laundry basket - this will make them easier to move around and assess what needs to be kept or thrown out. If you don't want to throw something away just yet, place it in another storage bin so that you can come back to it later.

Step Two: Sort Your Items
Next, begin sorting through all of your items. Make piles for things that you want to keep, donate, or throw away. Place all of the items that you are keeping together on one side of the bed or in another corner where they won't be in the way while you continue cleaning. Put all of the items that you plan on donating into a separate box or bag so they can easily be taken out when the room is finished being cleaned.

Step Three: Start From The Top Down
Start from the top down when cleaning your messy room - this means beginning with dusting ceiling fans and light fixtures before moving on to surfaces like dressers and nightstands. Take care to wipe down any surfaces with a damp cloth or an appropriate cleaner. Vacuum carpets and rugs as well to pick up any dust or dirt that may have accumulated over time. Then move on to wiping down walls, doors, windowsills, window frames, curtains, and blinds.

Step Four: Organize What's Left
Once all of the surfaces have been wiped down and vacuumed, it is time to start organizing what's left behind in your room. Put clothes away in drawers or hang them up if space permits - this will free up more space in your room as well as make it look much neater overall. Put books away according to their size (taller books should go towards the bottom) as well as electronics like phones, tablets, laptops etc., if any are present in your room. Keep a trash bin nearby for any items that you want out of sight but not necessarily thrown out just yet.

Step Five: A Final Touch-Up
The last step in cleaning a messy room is giving it one final touch-up before calling it done! Make sure everything has been wiped down and organized correctly - this will make it easier for yourself or others who may stay in the room on future occasions. Then add some decorations or personal touches such as framed pictures or plants (if allowed) to make the room feel more inviting and comfortable. Taking these extra few minutes here at the end can truly complete the look!

Cleaning a messy room doesn't have to be an impossible task anymore! With these five easy-to-follow steps, anyone can easily turn their cluttered space into an organized oasis - no matter how overwhelming it may seem at first glance! So take some deep breaths, dive into it headfirst, and bring order back into your chaotic world - you'll thank yourself for doing it later!

clean Cleaning

Russell Andrus
Russell Andrus

Utilizing his expertise as a cleaning manager, Russell has helped countless customers in obtaining the clean property they longed for. Through his articles, he emphasizes the significance of sustainable cleaning practices and advocates for the use of non-toxic detergents.